A Methodist Way of Life - Worship

We worship with others regularly

It's good to gather in worship with other people - we receive forgiveness and mercy, and become a supportive community. We also worship God through our everyday activities – at work, at home, wherever we find ourselves.

Methodist churches have a huge range of styles of worship, normally with these shared elements:

Reading the Bible, and reflecting on it to help us to know more of God.

Participating in prayers of praise, adoration, confession, thanksgiving and intercession, which helps us explore different dimensions of prayer.

Singing, and saying words together which reminds us of our shared journey, as well as the poetic nature of trying to express truths about God.

 Simple things to try

  1. Go to your local Methodist Church for one of their regular worship services. You should receive a warm welcome! Don't be afraid to ask if you need to know what is happening.

  2. Think of ways that your church worship could be made more inclusive for people who don't currently attend.

  3. If you've been part of a church community for a while, prayerfully consider whether you might have a calling to be a worship leader.

What is it like in a Methodist Church?

Via Methodist.or.uk



New Beginnings


Message from Mick Higgins - 28th July, 2024